Exporting a Translated Project

descript tips Jul 19, 2024


After you've translated your project to another language. If you go to publish. You'll see that there is the original language and then whatever languages you've translated it to. So in this case I have Spanish, so I could select Spanish. And now if I publish this like to YouTube or any of these platforms, it's going to publish it in that language. 

Same with export. If I go to export and I export this video to my hard drive. It will export it with the dub of that language. So if I export the audio here, I'm going to do an MP3 export. It's going to take just a few seconds here. And then if I open it up, it's playing in that translated language. Pretty freaking cool. this opens up your whole world. You're no longer limited to the audience in your original language. You can translate it and have a much wider audience.

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