How to make a template out of a scene

descript tips Jul 11, 2024


If you have a scene that you want to turn into a template. For example, this one that says scene two on my project right now, I've got some sound. I've got some, like a logo on there and a background. So if I wanted to make this scene two into a template, there's a really easy way to do it from inside of the project. I can just go up here to the scene thumbnail, right? 

Click on it. And then click save to template. And then it asks me where I want to save it. I can save it into an existing one. So for example, the descript mastery. Uh, folder that I have here, and then I can just hit, add to template. It asked me to name it. I can call this outro. This is going to be my YouTube outro. I'll hit, add adding template, adding layout to template. 

It says layout saved. 

I can click this open button to edit it further, see it in the template view, but that template is now good to go. I could now apply that to any project. 


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