Netflix Subtitles for Descript [free template]

resources Jan 24, 2024

There is a new addition to the Templates page: the same subtitles used in all Netflix shows.

All Descript Mastery templates are free to download and use. No account or attribution required.

To get the Netflix subtitles into your Descript drive:

  1. Navigate to the template:
  2. Log in to your Descript account
  3. Click "+ Copy to my templates"
  4. Select which drive you want to add it to

That's it! You now have the same subtitles used by the best in the business.

And if you want to learn how make and apply templates of your own design, the Descript Mastery course includes a Templates Masterclass.

Check out the Descript Mastery BeginnersĀ course - a project-based, hands-on course designed to take you from beginner to mastery.

See Course

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