New Descript: First Look and Reaction

updates May 22, 2024

Descript, a popular audio and video editing software, has recently released version 90, which includes a variety of new features and updates. These updates include new automated speaker detection, recorder smart settings, and a major overhaul of the user interface.

One of the most notable changes is the automated speaker detection tool, which eliminates the need for manual speaker labeling. Additionally, the recorder smart settings have been updated to automatically determine whether a recording should be inserted into the script layer, a new layer, or replace a specific selection. Finally, the user interface has been significantly cleaned up and streamlined, making it easier to navigate and understand.

Descript Version 90 Overview

Descript has released version 90 of its software, which includes new automations with the speaker detect functionality, new recorder smart settings, and major UI updates. The speaker detection tool has been automated, allowing users to easily label how many speakers are in their audio files. The UI has been significantly cleaned up, providing more space in the transcript and making it easier to understand.

The new recorder smart settings automatically select whether to record into the script layer, into a new layer, or over a specific selection of a file. The smart functionality also automatically adds a recording as a new layer if nothing is selected in the middle of a file.

Descript's new UI includes a rounder timeline, a slimmed-down properties bar, and a home button instead of the "D" logo. The quick action bar has been removed, and users can access it from a dropdown menu. Project and composition names are now located in the top middle, and the buttons have a cleaner, more modern look.

The Underlord feature includes AI tools such as edit for clarity, remove filler words, remove retakes, green screen, eye contact, and studio sound. Files are now located on the right side of the screen, and the properties bar has been consolidated into that area.

Overall, Descript version 90 offers significant improvements in automation, UI, and AI tools, making it a valuable tool for transcription and editing.

UI Updates

Version 90 of the software brings some major UI updates to Descript. The composition name, which used to be displayed as "Untitled" and required users to label it, has been removed from the UI, giving more space in the transcript. Users can now rename compositions using the three dots in the top menu. The giant "Upload a file" button in the transcript space has also been cleaned up, making it easier to start a project by either dragging and dropping a file or starting a recording.

Another significant UI change is the new speaker detection tool, which has been automated. Users can now label speakers using the speaker label menu, and Descript will automatically guess how many speakers are in the audio file. This feature is rolling out slowly, and users who do not have it yet will have it enabled within a few days.

The editor recorder smart settings have also been updated. Users no longer need to select if they want to record into the script layer, record into a new layer, or record over a specific selection of the file. Descript now does this automatically, and users can select the desired destination scene for the new recorded layer.

Descript has also introduced a new UI through the "Labs" feature. The timeline now has rounded edges, and the properties bar has been slimmed down. The home button has replaced the "D" logo, and the quick action bar is now accessible from a dropdown menu. Project and composition names are now located in the top middle, and users can jump to markers to quickly navigate through their project. The playback and timeline tools remain unchanged.

The "Underlord" feature, previously known as "Ask AI," has been consolidated into the right side of the UI. Users can now edit for clarity, remove filler words, remove retakes, and apply studio sound. Files are now located on the right side of the UI.

Automated Speaker Detection

Version 90 of the software brings new automations with the speaker detect functionality. The speaker detection tool has been automated, so users no longer need to manually label and provide a speaker count, or guess how many speakers are in the file. The software automatically guesses how many speakers are in the file and then users can rename them using the speaker label menu.

The UI has been changed significantly, providing more space in the transcript. The composition name has been moved to the top of the page, and the giant upload a file button has been added to the transcript space. This button allows users to start a project by either dragging and dropping a file or starting a recording. The UI is significantly cleaner and much easier to understand.

The editor recorder smart settings have been upgraded. Users no longer need to choose if they want to record into the script layer, record into a new layer, or record over a specific selection of the file. The software automatically puts the recording before the selection, inserts the recording over the selection, or adds the recording as a new layer depending on the user's selection.

The new UI includes a home button instead of the D logo, a menu accessed by three lines, and a slimmed-down properties bar. The project and composition names are located in the top middle, and users can access the drop-down menu to view their compositions. The playback thing and timeline tools remain the same.

The Underlord feature, which was previously called ask AI, is a new addition to the software. It includes features such as edit for clarity, remove filler words, and remove retakes. The Studio sound feature needs a selection, and files are now located on the right side of the properties bar.

Recorder Smart Settings

Descript has introduced new Recorder Smart Settings in version 90 of the software. These settings make it easier for users to record audio and choose where to save it.

Previously, users had to manually choose whether to record into the script layer, record into a new layer, or record over a specific selection of their file. With the new Recorder Smart Settings, Descript will automatically choose the best option based on the user's actions.

For example, if the user has nothing selected and is in the middle of their speech, Descript will automatically add the recording as a new layer. If the user selects a portion of their file and clicks record, Descript will insert the new recording over the selected part.

Users can also record into a new layer by selecting the desired destination scene for that new recorded layer.

These new settings streamline the recording process and make it easier for users to manage their audio files in Descript.

New Editor Layout

Version 90 of the Descript software includes new automations with speaker detect functionality, new recorder smart settings, and major UI updates. The speaker detection tool has been automated, allowing users to upload an audio file with multiple speakers and have the software automatically guess how many speakers are present. Users can then rename the speakers using the speaker label menu.

The editor recorder smart settings have also been updated. Users no longer have to manually choose whether to record into the script layer, a new layer, or over a specific selection of the file. Instead, the software automatically selects the appropriate option based on the user's actions.

In addition, the UI has been significantly cleaned up, with a more streamlined layout and more space in the transcript. The timeline now features rounded edges and a slimmed-down properties bar. The home button has replaced the D logo, and the quick action bar is now accessed via a drop-down menu.

Users can also access the new UI by toggling on the "new editor layout" feature in the Labs menu under settings. This feature includes AI tools such as edit for clarity, remove filler words, and remove retakes, now called Underlord. The properties bar is consolidated into the right side of the screen, with files located on the right.

Overall, the new editor layout provides a cleaner, more modern interface with improved automation and AI tools for a more efficient workflow.

Project and Composition Management

Version 90 of the Descript software includes new automations with the speaker detect functionality, new recorder smart settings, and major UI updates. The speaker detection tool has been automated, which means that the software can automatically guess how many speakers are in an audio file and label them accordingly. The user can then rename the speakers using the speaker label menu.

The new editor recorder smart settings allow the user to automatically choose whether to record into the script layer, record into a new layer, or record over a specific selection of the file. The software does this automatically, without giving the user an option to choose. Additionally, if the user has nothing selected and is in the middle of their speech, the software will automatically add the recording as a new layer.

The new UI includes a cleaner and more modern design, with a slimmed-down properties bar, a home button, and a drop-down menu for project and composition names. The quick action bar is now accessed through a drop-down menu, and the buttons have a more modern look. The timeline has rounded edges, and the playback controls are the same as before. The user can also jump to markers and scroll up and down through layers.

The Underlord feature, previously known as the ask AI functionality, is now consolidated into the properties bar on the right side of the screen. The properties bar also includes file management options. Overall, the new version of Descript offers significant improvements to project and composition management, allowing users to work more efficiently and effectively.

Timeline and Playback Tools

Version 90 of the Descript software includes new automations with speaker detect functionality, new recorder smart settings, and major UI updates. The UI has been changed significantly, making it much easier to understand. The giant upload a file button has been moved to the transcript space, providing more space in the transcript. The speaker detection tool has been automated, allowing users to automatically label speakers and guess how many speakers are in their file. Users can rename speakers using the speaker label menu.

The editor recorder smart settings have also been updated. Users no longer have to choose if they want to record into the script layer, record into a new layer, or record over a specific selection of their file. The software does that automatically and doesn't even give users the option to choose.

The new UI includes a home button instead of the D logo, and the quick action bar is gone. Users can access the quick actions from a drop-down menu. The project and composition names are now in the top middle, and users can click on the drop-down to see the compositions inside of their current project.

The playback tools and timeline have not changed. The layer size can be adjusted, and the canvas can be set to full screen or stacked with the transcript below. The AI features, previously called ask AI, are now called Underlord and include edit for clarity, remove filler words, and remove retakes. The files are now located on the right side of the screen.

Advanced AI Features

Descript's latest upgrade, version 90, brings new automation capabilities to the software. The new speaker detect functionality has been automated, eliminating the need for manual labeling, providing a speaker count, and guessing the number of speakers in an audio file. The AI now automatically labels speakers and provides a speaker label menu for renaming them.

In addition to this, the editor recorder smart settings have been improved. Previously, users had to choose whether to record into the script layer, a new layer, or over a specific selection. Now, the software automatically detects the user's intention and records accordingly. If the user has nothing selected and is in the middle of their speech, the software automatically adds the recording as a new layer.

Lastly, the UI has undergone significant changes. The composition name has been moved to the top of the screen, providing more space in the transcript. The upload file button is now more prominent, making it easier to start a project. The timeline's edges are now rounded, and the properties bar has been slimmed down. The home button has replaced the D logo, and the quick action bar is now accessible from a dropdown menu. The project and composition names are now located in the top middle of the screen, and users can jump to markers to navigate through their projects quickly.

Descript's AI features, now known as Underlord, have also been improved. Users can now edit for clarity, remove filler words, and remove retakes. The AI can also detect green screen and eye contact, but these features require a selection to be made. The Studio sound feature also requires the script layer to be selected before it can be applied.

Overall, the latest upgrade to Descript's software provides users with advanced AI features and a cleaner, more user-friendly UI.

Check out the Descript Mastery BeginnersĀ course - a project-based, hands-on course designed to take you from beginner to mastery.

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