Don't Even Think About Using Descript Without Templates

If you don't master this one skill, you're wasting time and sacrificing quality. Templates are the key to being able to edit quickly and consistently.

Learn Templates

Efficiency Boost

Templates allow you to drastically reduce the time you spend on creating and editing templates.


Make sure that your edits are professional and consistent across projects using templates.

Practical Skills

Gain hands-on experience with practical assignments resulting in skills that you can apply immediately.

"I wish I had taken this course when I first started using Descript"

In this course, you will learn how to make and apply the four different types of Descript templates:

  1. Descript's Built-in Pre-made Templates

  2. Copying & Pasting Layouts

  3. Creating Templates from Existing Scenes

  4. Creating Templates from Scratch

The course is short (~50 minutes + exercises)  and free of fluff.

The Descript Templates Masterclass is laid out in a way that is proven to get results:

  • First, you will watch a short, clear video lesson to understand the skill.

  • Then, you will have an opportunity to practice the skill in your own template creations.

  • If you don't understand something, you can pause or rewind the video, start over, and try again until you've achieved mastery. And if you're really stuck, you can message the instructor at any time for help.

Whether you're new to Descript or a veteran, this will take your Template skills to the next level.

By the end, you will be editing faster and with greater consistency than ever before!

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