Hire the Master

Hire Ross to edit your podcasts and videos for you using Descript.

No time to edit?

Let me take it from here! 

See My Work

The best way to see my work is to check out the nearly 300 videos I've created for Youtube.

Go to Youtube

How It Works

Step 1: Send

Send your raw footage to me along with any instructions (or share your Descript Drive/project). I'll take it from there!

Step 2: Revise

I'll have a first draft to you within 72 hours. You'll be able to leave your comments and feedback directly on the project.

Step 3: Publish

Share your video with the world!

Pricing = $50 per hour

(invoice sent weekly)

Let's get started!

Please schedule a 15 minute call so we can meet and get on the same page.

During this call, I will go through an onboarding interview to learn more about your business and the type of content you want to create. Then, we'll establish ways of working, you'll send me your raw footage (if it's ready), and I'll get to work!

Book Call

Meet the Descript Master


I'm Ross Zeiger, I help entrepreneurs grow their businesses through video.


I've been editing videos since 2007. I specialize in editing podcasts, educational content for Youtube, and courses using Descript.

Profile photo of Descript Mastery founder